13 October 2006


49 Degrees North Latitude -- Mile 2658

Well, I made it! Of course I am not writing this from the border itself, but rather from the comfort of my own living room...dripping much buffalo fat! I crossed the Border the morning of October 11th and spent the night at a lodge in British Columbia's Manning Provincial Park. The following morning I rode the Dog to Vancouver and another bus to Seattle, closing the book on this, my second thru-hike. Ironically, after hiking much of the way on my own, I enjoyed the company of three other thru-hikers...Dr Tart, Mojave and Muse...over the last days on the Trail.

Your warm and dry thoughts worked...the temperature did not stay below freezing for very long, although there was frost on the ground nearly every morning in the last weeks. Most importantly, it has not been terribly wet. There were just two days of rain since Skykomish, a few more with just clouds and three glorious days of sunshine the final days of the hike. It could not have ended more perfectly.

The scenery itself, including flora and fauna, was amazing. In northernmost Washington, with the Fall colors in their prime and many glaciers in view, it was reminiscent of the High Sierra. Interestingly, it is not the trees that change color...unlike the deciduous forests of New England, here evergreens dominate. However, the underbrush, shrubs and bushes turn rich reds, yellows and oranges. It creates a bright carpet covering the landscape. Moose, bear and a bald eagle were among those animals sighted. I am fortunate, now a resident of Washington, to have all of this in my backyard.

And what of the transition to city life? No doubt I'll experience some sense of loss (and some necessary gaining of weight), but having accomplished what I set out to do and having so much to come home to, I am very happy to be here. One effect of such a prolonged period away is a cleared mind and renewed energy. It probably won't be long before I begin forming the first draft of my next adventure, but in the meantime I'll find quite a lot to keep me busy. Julie will see to that!

Thank you all very much for your interest and participation. Five years ago I wrote articles describing my Appalachian Trail hike...and did not find reporting on that trail nearly as fun or interesting as the interactivity of the blog. Your comments and questions, without doubt, made my hike more satisfying.

Also, you will notice I have posted some representative pictures. Enjoy these.

Again, thanks.

03 October 2006


Skykomish, WA -- Mile 2476

A week from the Canadian border! Think DRY!!! And warm too. I managed to take a day off at home a few days ago, courtesy of my beautiful wife picking me up at Snoqualmie Pass. I almost did not want to leave...but I am so close. Only the American Alps to go, as the North Cascades are called.

The past few nights it has been dry, but there is no question the mercury is dipping to season-appropriate levels...as I have awakened the past couple of mornings to ice on my shelter. At least I am not contending with fires any longer.

I'll have more to say from the comfort of my own computer...there is a line of thru-hikers waiting for this one.

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