03 October 2006


Skykomish, WA -- Mile 2476

A week from the Canadian border! Think DRY!!! And warm too. I managed to take a day off at home a few days ago, courtesy of my beautiful wife picking me up at Snoqualmie Pass. I almost did not want to leave...but I am so close. Only the American Alps to go, as the North Cascades are called.

The past few nights it has been dry, but there is no question the mercury is dipping to season-appropriate levels...as I have awakened the past couple of mornings to ice on my shelter. At least I am not contending with fires any longer.

I'll have more to say from the comfort of my own computer...there is a line of thru-hikers waiting for this one.

Snoqualmie Pass. Sounds like the kind of place where in days of yore a loving squaw would greet her brave home from the hunt and lead him back to their wigwam! Nice going, Julie!

Now as to the "other Julie"...
At the risk of seeming paternally biased, I must say congrats on such a timely and creative classroom project. It makes one wish to be a student in such a class!

And the generous and sensitive response of our happy hiker also inspires kudos.

Lucky kids!
Yea!!!!! He's almost home!!!

Playing "loving squaw" last weekend was great but I must share with you all that the scent of a man having hiked for 4.5 months in the same clothes and with inconsistent opportunities to shower is not a scent that inspires a woman to make a whole lot of waffles...
My Indian friends assure me that rubbing buffalo fat all over him should improve the smell.
Hmmmm.....I'm thinking a buffalo fat rub will be an interesting way to welcome him home.
One more day!!!!
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