15 August 2006


Old Station, CA -- Mile 1378

I traveled a mere 42 miles in the past week, averaging only 6 miles per day. However, this only represents my trail miles. Frequent flier miles show a different story. I made a long-planned, surprise return to Seattle to celebrate my first anniversary...and pay homage to the woman who has enthusiastically let me out of the house for five months.

Now, being new at this marriage thing, I don't know any better. But, I understand from guys out hiking for a week or so...and they are not usually out longer than that if wedded... that my situation is rather unique, special, that I am very lucky indeed. I agree. Not only has Julie given her blessing for a five month hike every two years (just kidding), but she has been a superb at-home support person, mailing my resupply packages on schedule. Thank you very much.

Now, after a taste of home and Julie's waffles, I am well-motivated to hike the next 1300 miles. And make up some of this time-very-well-spent at home. Sara, thank you for helping make this a surprise. Your sister will never trust you again.

I promise more about the trail next time.

An anniversary your Julie will never forget! It's going to be hard to top - but I have full confidence in you.

Now that you've been refreshed and renewed by a few days at home and Julie's waffels may the rest of your hike be quick but as amazing as the first part was.

Will pray that the weather stays nice - you've saved yourself from one deep freeze, let's hope the other one stays away too!

Granted Julie is "nice to come home to". Still, how to outdo such a thoughtful gesture? We’re proud of you, John!

Hey, everyone: "This is [our] beloved son, in whom [we are] well pleased." (Luke 3:22)
So it was the waffles, was it!!??

How about posting the recipe.
John: Thank you thank you thank you for being my husband and coming home for our anniversary. It was the best weekend (besides the weekend exactly a year before that) I've ever had. You are so wonderful and I'm especially happy that while you were home you agreed to return in October and never leave again except for short trips to the washing machine...

I love you.
Requested Waffle Recipe: guaranteed to wow your hungry loved ones...

1. Have your dining guest walk about 25 miles or so a day for about 2 1/2 months before serving this delicious dish.

2. Make sure that during this journey, s/he is eating food stuffs such as ramon noodles, dried mashed potatoes that come to life when adding boiled water, dried fruits, and other foods clasified as "trail food".

3. At this point, anything you put in front of your guest will surely tantalize both his tongue and tummy. Call a dish "waffles", provide pure maple syrup and vwaalah! Your waffles become famous on a blog site...
Hello! Sadly, I'm writing you from my home. I decided to stop early due to a death in the family. Returning to normal life has been very difficult. Everything seems so pale in comparison to the past three months I've had. I'm sure you must have experienced something like that after the AT. Does it ever go away?!

I know that internet time is pretty precious out there but I'd love to hear how your doing, what kind of distance you've been doing and all that.

I kept up with Dustin and Randy until after Yosemite. Dustin contracted crypto, I'm not sure if he returned. We calculated that there were only about 15 people in front of us. They stopped in Toulumne for a few days and I kept going. I never saw them again.

Unfortunatly, I went under during one of the more trecherous fords. It was the one that you need to boulder hop across while a waterfall is pounding you, a day or two after Muir pass. It had been raining non-stop for two days so the ford was pretty bad. I lost a lot of gear but more importantly all of my film up until Yosemite was ruined. Besides that, I think it's fair to say that the JMT was the most beautiful experience I have ever had.

Thanks for the name and the pointers. I truly enjoyed your company. I envy you.

Ivan "Trail Czar" Klemetsrud
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