28 July 2006


South Lake Tahoe, CA -- Mile 1095

It is a bit of a downer to have left the High Sierra, so spectacular it is. Therefore, I find myself in this lakeside resort town comforting myself with casino all-you-can-eat-buffets. It is some solace, at least. By the way, if anyone is interested, I could give you the name of a wedding chapel in a strip mall, wedged between a Subway and a skateboard shop. South Lake Tahoe is an odd mix of this sort of thing and private jets landing at the airfield nearby.

In the past two weeks I have taken a few side trips. I completed the John Muir Trail, taking me down into Yosemite Valley. While there, I climbed to the top of Half-Dome, saw El Capitan and the climbers on its sheer face and witnessed the more than 1000 foot fall of Yosemite Falls. As I left Yosemite, it really was dramatic how rapidly the geology changed. From wide glacier-carved meadows and polished granite to something more resembling the desert. From something made by ice to rock of volcanic origin. In fact, I will be passing through lava fields in a few weeks.

Eric: It sounds like you are learning Rhode Island-ese wicked good! Actually, a coffee cabinet sounds good right now. Maybe after some quahogs. Right now, there are some confused expressions from those readers not in Rhode Island.

Well, there is a buffet calling my name. Until next time...

Well I for one am greatly disappointed that we didn't know about this quaint chapel a year ago. Conveniently located between food and recreation? What more could we ask for? Of course I know you'd love to have a second hooplah so I'll start planning that while you're gone. This could be a tradition - you go away and I plan a big party for your return, with video included. Sound good?
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