02 June 2006


Idyllwild, CA -- Mile 178

I am taking a short respite from the trail in this Southern California town that lives up to its name. Perched in the San Jacinto Mountains it is a small town obviously catering to tourists, set in a pinyon pine forest, surrounded by high peaks.

In contrast, most of my journey thus far has been through desert. Some of it bleak, as I had originally envisioned, but most, sublimely beautiful. The desert, at least this time of year, has many brightly colored flowers, a hundred varieties of cacti, and simultaneously, a starkness to the landscape that at times makes me feel as if I am a visitor in another world.

Some of the sights have been literally, breathtaking. On my very first day hiking north from the Mexican border I turned a corner to chance upon a large rattlesnake sunning himself mid-trail. I am unsure whether I saw him before I heard him, but there is, I assure you, no mistaking the intent of a rattlesnake's rattle and posture. "Danger, Stay Clear, I Can Hurt You." I had no trouble complying, bushwacking a wide arc around the serpent even as he slithered under some shrubs, away from me.

The effect of this experience lingered for a couple of days, as I expected to find a rattler around every turn. It was, thankfully, the only such encounter.

My thoughts while I hike, aside from being of family, friends and poisonous snakes (this is not a redundancy), are centered on water. While there has been a slightly higher than average rainfall in the desert this year, nevertheless, I may go 20 or 30 miles between springs or streams. In 100 degree heat, often without shade, this means carrying 5 or 6 liters of water at a time (making my lightweight pack not so light anymore). Occasionally, I will happen upon a water cache placed by "trail angels" for thirsty hikers. But, now that I am in town I will take hydration of a different sort, something cold with a slice of lime...

It's a joy (and a relief) to "hear" the voice of Hannibal from out of the desert!

Since you promised to reply to queries, here's one that some followers of this adventure of yours may wonder about...

Given the rattlesnakes, the absence of wife and friends, the concerns about water, and other hardships...why do you do this? what motivates you? There must be more than the brightly colored flowers and the varieties of cacti!
Barb wants to know when you wash your socks? A technical question huh? Sounds like your trek is off to a great start:) Looking forward to reading more. TTYL -Barb, Eric and Simon
Forget your own socks, I want to know when you're going to be back to wash my socks! I'm so happy you're having such a great time. Talk to you soon.
Hard to believe that you're into your third week already (easy for me to say). Has the weather been interesting or nice? What do you do in case of a storm? Pray that things continue to go well and that the time that you're away goes quickly for those who are missing you! Be safe.
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