17 June 2006


Agua Dulce, CA -- Mile 454

Agua Dulce has been a town I have heard about since the earliest days of my Pacific Crest Trail research. It would seem to be a rather plain-looking ranching town, like many I am sure, in the canyons northeast of Los Angeles. What sets it apart is the home of Jeff and Donna Saufley. The Saufley residence is known among thru-hikers as Hiker Heaven, and very much deserves this name. The Saufley's live for this time of year, Memorial Day to about now, when the years' thru-hiker crop comes through town. They provide, and I am not exaggerating, cots for hikers to sleep on if the three bedrooms in the trailer and RV on the property are taken, showers, clean cotton clothes to wear while Donna washes our filthy hiking clothes, a TV (I was able to watch USA v. Italy in the World Cup), VCR, DVD, movies, a kitchen, patio with grill, lounge chairs, a vehicle for hikers to take to LA, or wherever to resupply, computers with wireless internet, and many, many other things, too many to mention. The USPS automatically delivers any hiker packages sent to the local branch, to the Saufleys. They do not request donations, though most hikers leave something. Jeff tells me that earlier this season there were 40 or 50 hikers here at one time! Hiker Heaven is an amazing oasis on the edge of the Mojave Desert and Jeff and Donna are two of the most generous people I have ever met. I stayed for two luxurious days.

Speaking of desert, only about two more weeks of it left before I get to the Sierra Nevadas.

You don't know how much I look forward to your writings. Check first thing in the morning even though I know you can't write every day - there's always the thought that maybe today is the day. And today it was!

How glad I am that you were able to spend some time luxuriating in the wonders of the "modern" world and I am thankful for people like Donna and Jeff Saufley! They must meet some pretty great people and must get a wonderful feeling from helping so many. May God continue to bless them with the desire and ability to help those who are enjoying His creation.

Stay safe, Hannibal,and continue to enjoy!
"Jeff and Donna are two of the most generous people I have ever met." That's a fine thing to say of someone, and of course a fine encomium to receive.

We googled 'Saufley Hiker Heaven' and sent an e-mail to the Saufleys with our own compliments. Their website is quite interesting, by the way.
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